The group of companies ' Rambler Media ' reported discovery of a new online service ' Rambler Cinema ', through which Internet users can download free of charge license high-quality video. As stated, to date, ' Rambler Cinema ' - this is the only service of its kind in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web.
At present, the ' Rambler cinema ' collected mostly popular Russian TV series, various TV shows, reality shows and music. Database service has a total of about 750 hours of video. By the end of the year ' Rambler Media ' plans to increase the amount to thousands of hours of video library, adding the popular Russian and foreign films, videos, and foreign serials. Arrangements for the webcasts awarded to companies ' Starmedia ', TNT, music library, etc Craze.
To play videos through the service ' Rambler Cinema ', you must download a small program of about 15 MB. Pay -per-view movies and episodes of the show would have required users to preview ads embedded in video. For the integration of commercials, rewind, and protected from deletion, applied technology company Hiro Media and VoWeb.
Before viewing the video the visitor ' Rambler Cinema ' will be asked to anonymously identify the three parameters: gender, age and interests. Based on these parameters will be chosen theme commercials, so that different users will see the same content with different advertising. This, as noted in the ' Rambler Media ', should be to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
net. compulenta. ru.
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